Blog Overview

Check It Out: Awesome Ambient Guitar Instrumental

This was shared on a music forum that I frequent called BeatGearCavern.  This is Andy Othling and he makes some awesome ambient guitar music and does it live in YouTube videos.  The sound is amazing and kind of ethereal.  He has simply called this video Ambient Song...

Save the Llamas

Save the Llamas

On Nov. 20, 2013 AOL, Inc. announced that they were ceasing development of Winamp and that it would no longer be available after December 20. 2013.  If you were expecting this to be about some kind of PETA-inspired movement to prevent the abuse of the odd fuzzy...

Move complete.  Testing One, Two, Three!

Move complete. Testing One, Two, Three!

Welcome aboard to the new thing.  This post is serving as a test to make sure the basic functionality of the thing works.  Don't ask what "the thing" is.  It may be a monster, but it's probably the all-encompassing term I use for something I don't care to describe too...

Site Transition In Effect

Site Transition In Effect

It's time to make some changes around here.  In order to enable me to write about other subjects that I'd be interested in writing about (and  in the interest of starting a YouTube channel to supplement based on this same concept), I am migrating my entire website to...

Things are a little shaky at the moment

Things are a little shaky at the moment

Prepare for some geek talk. I've moved my website to a new hosting provider and so far things have not been perfect as I had hoped.  There are some back end issues that need to be ironed out regarding PHP (they think it's the DNS but if it was the DNS, I wouldn't be...

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody.  Have a fun and safe day!  Here's a picture of me wearing my Iron Man helmet at work. Post-race season overview coming soon.

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