Blog Overview

BF4: I Got the Bomb #1

BF4: I Got the Bomb #1

Sometimes when you want something done you have to do it yourself. I got the bomb on Silk Road (Obliteration mode) after someone was going the wrong way. Want to squad up? Add SergeantPepper64 on Battlelog!

My First Vlog – A Brief Introduction

My First Vlog – A Brief Introduction

I figured before I get involved in actual content on YouTube I thought I would give a quick introduction.  I know I still have to do a year in review especially for Triathlon (I've been talking about it for months), and since the end is near I figured I should do that...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I thought I'd share my original Christmas song, Merry Christmas Today, written and recorded in 2011.  You can grab it for free off the Music Store. Hope you enjoy the Christmas season and have a happy and safe New Year! Merry Christmas Today by Paul Lasko

Beatles Release New Official Bootleg Recordings

Beatles Release New Official Bootleg Recordings

It was 50 years ago this week that The Beatles released their first album and due to recently changed copyright laws in the UK that make 50-year old recordings public domain, new unreleased tracks have surfaced on iTunes. The UK Copyright Law fact sheet states in...



DO NOT THROW YOUR MONEY AT IRONMANFACTORY.COM.  Don't take it from me though.  Popular cosplayer STEALTH, specializing in Iron Man-themed costumes, has sent a warning to cosplayers everywhere to not invest in this scam in the video attached. The website claims they...

Normalcy returns to Quahog

Normalcy returns to Quahog

A couple weeks or so ago, Family Guy killed off Brian in a somewhat rapid and meaningless fashion, swiftly introducing a new dog to the family whom they warmed up to very expediently.  This angered virtually every single Family Guy fan on the face of the planet.  But...

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