Blog Overview
Never Late Show Titles and Bumper Concepts
The Never Late Show is coming. Here's a look at some of the titles and graphics in consideration for the show!
Playlist Live Tri State!
Hey folks. Playlist Live is coming up in a couple months and I'm starting to get excited. Especially since my YouTube channel tee shirt came in today! Ordered it custom from Spreadshirt. It has the logo on...
London Calling
Remember that acoustic major key version of London Calling that I did a couple weeks ago? Well, behind the scenes, I've also been working on some more faithful studio version covers to get back at sharpening my recording,...
Balloon Festival!
This past weekend I was at the Quick Check NJ Festival of Ballooning. It consisted of a lot of vendors, a handful of good headlining bands and other entertainment, and of course dozens upon dozens of hot air balloons. The musical performances had some pretty big...
Making a Beat with Maschine Mikro MkII
So I finally got one of these things and it's pretty neat. It's called the Native Instruments Maschine Mikro MkII. I've been using Native Instruments's Komplete 8 in my music for a while and expanded my toolkit to do some other stuff. It's fun to play with and this...
When a prank is not a prank.
On my YouTube channel PaulLaskoVids, I posted a video about how I like April Fools Day pranks, but CBS switching Craig Ferguson and Drew Carey as a ratings thing really takes away from the prank aspect.