Blog Overview
Hammer Bar, Cashew Coconut Chocolate Chip flavor – A Review
In my earlier days of cycling and reading up on which I'm a [lurking] member of these days, I learned about various different nutritional supplement companies such as Nuun, Accelerade, and Hammer Nutrition. I never took the opportunity to try any of...
Swimming Cramps Suck!
Swimming cramps plagues a lot of people, and they can be very frustrating. Unfortunately, I'm among those who suffer with them at times. They're painful, usually start in one of my calves, and sometimes get into my arches and second toe. Depending on the severity,...
My Experience at the Endurance Sports Expo (NY Metro)
On the weekend of March 2nd and 3rd, 2013, I attended the NY Metro Endurance Sports Expo. Held locally in Edison, NJ, it was easily accessible to many people in the state via the Garden State Parkway or I-287. Many vendors were on hand to show off what they had, and...
The Death of Online On-Demand Streaming Music? Not so much.
December 10, 2009 was the day that imeem disappeared from the internet. At the time, it was the only way I could (somewhat) legally listen to music on demand. Imeem was a great site. You could create playlists, listen to single tracks, and comment on songs and all...
A Great Disappointment
For those who know me, you already know where this is going to go. For those who don't know me, well, you'll probably already have heard at least half of what I'm going to say from someone else. However, I have a slightly more personal story from the perspective of...
Welcome to my new thing.
Hello everyone. I'm not exactly sure where this is going to go or where it should since I'm just starting it out. I would recommend reading the About page first since I thought it would be better to put that information there in one place as an introduction for...