Blog Overview
This Is It. Race Weekend is Here.
I. Cannot. Believe. This. By a very small accident of sorts I ended up with my race season starting in just two days. Less than 36 hours until my first race. I'm trying to do my best at keeping calm and just running my head through what I have to do tomorrow to...
New Branding
I'm a Paul McCartney fan. I'm a soon-t0-be triathlete. I suddenly had this random thought and put the two together. Ergo, a new title to my blog. Pretty clever, huh?
So, this is your taper week?
I am an aspiring triathlete. That changes in 6 days when I am able to call myself a newbie triathlete at the Doc & Sok Triathlon this coming Sunday. (The countdown is on the homepage!) I'm excited, scared, and just realized I still don't have a race belt for...
An Attempted Rebound, Week of June 16, 2013
This past week was a really tough one to try to rebound on training considering all the activity going on with my fire department to prepare for its big 125th Anniversary Parade held this past Saturday. I got one training session in on each sport. The swim I did on...
The Bike is Back and a Question for You
Today I picked up the bike from the shop. I toyed around with the idea of buying some clip on aerobars but the guy who rang me up at the counter for the maintenance suggested I wouldn't have enough time to get used to the position, so I saved myself the $130. Taking...
Surprise – Upcoming Race in Under 2 Weeks
At my triathlon club meeting last week, I learned about a race coming up on June 30th that's pretty close to me. It's called the Doc and Sok Triathlon in Watchung, NJ. To get things ready, I took my bike to the shop for service on Monday, and despite their 3 day...